“To know Christ and to make the Lord known, with joy, faith, and service.”
Sunday, November 10
​Pentecost + 25
Liturgical Color: Green
8 am Rite I Holy Eucharist
Download the bulletin here
Fellowship hour after the service
10am Rite II Holy Eucharist
Sunday school for PreK-3 through Grade 4
Download the bulletin here
Fellowship hour after the service​
Sunday, November 17
Pentecost +26​
Liturgical Color: Green
8 am Rite I Holy Eucharist
Fellowship Hour After Service
10 am Rite II Holy Eucharist
Intergenerational Service
​Fellowship Hour After Service​
The Daily Office
Monday through Friday
8:30am Morning Prayer online
Monday through Friday
5pm Evening Prayer online
8pm Compline online
Trinity's Stewardship Season is Underway
Stewardship Season runs for the month of October
The stewardship letter and pledge card are available in the narthex.
Prayerfully discern your financial commitment to the parish
How to Join Online Services: Zoom Instructions
If you have a computer or tablet click on this link https://us04web.zoom.us/j/5954883214 and follow the prompts. The meeting ID is 595 488 3214, and the password is 1872.
If you will be connecting via a telephone, follow these steps:
Dial 929 205 6099
You will be asked for your meeting ID: enter 595 488 3214# (with no spaces)
You will be asked for your participant ID. This is not needed so just enter #
Enter the password: 1872
Trinity was founded in 1872. Our beautiful church and congregation have a long and inspired history. We welcome all who strive to know Christ and to make Him known with joy, faith and service.
Our parish is committed to serving each other, our communities and the world. Ask how you can share your gifts through one of our many outreach programs.
Trinity offers Holy Eucharist at 8am and 10am on Sunday mornings.
We also offer reflective meditation in our chapel on weekday mornings and evenings.
Trinity Cranford is a warm, friendly, multi-generational family of Faith. We welcome all without exception. Come and join us as we reflect the love of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, to each other, Trinity Episcopal Day School, our community, and the world.