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Baptism is the sacrament by which God adopts us as his children and makes us members of Christ’s Body, the Church, and inheritors of the kingdom of God.  The outward and visible sign in Baptism is water, in which the person is baptized in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  The inward and spiritual grace in Baptism is union with Christ in his death and resurrection, birth into God’s family the Church, forgiveness of sins, and new life in the Holy Spirit.”

 -- from the Catechism of the Episcopal Church, Book of Common Prayer, p. 858



Traditionally, there are four days in the liturgical calendar on which baptisms are conducted:

the Baptism of the Lord, the Easter Vigil, Pentecost, and All Saints Day.


If you or someone in your family is interested in baptism at Trinity, please contact the church office.

Trinity's Baptismal Font

After more than two years of planning and work, Trinity’s new baptismal font was installed in late-

October 2021 and used for the parish’s All Saints Day celebration, 2021.  The Font Committee included:


Anthony Rafaniello, Committee Chair

Rev. Andrew Kruger, Rector

Carol Beier

Cynthia Kolby 

Arlene Fricke


The committee commissioned Hot Sand Glass Studio to design and create the bowl

in their glassblowing studio in Asbury Park. 


The wooden base was designed and constructed by Brandon Frumolt, Trinity parishioner and choir section leader.  Brandon and his wife Samantha’s daughter, Phoebe was the first person baptized in the new font.


The new baptismal font sits in the middle of the aisle, just inside the narthex.  It is the most prominent liturgical furnishing when one walks into the church building.  Appropriately, baptism is the sacrament of Christian initiation, the point of entry into the Church.  The placement of the font near the main doors reminds the faithful of their own baptism each time they come and go.


Traditionally, baptismal fonts are eight-sided, eight being a symbol of new life, “the eighth day of creation,” “the day of resurrection.”  The new font design reflects this tradition with eight sides representing the eighth day.  The wooden base structure provides a strong foundation, appearing to grow out of the floor.  The design compliments the woodwork in the rest of the church building and provides open space for light to move through it.   The cross is central to the design, which speaks to death, as well as the Resurrection life represented by the empty cross.  The use of the Celtic-style cross is a nod to Trinity’s Anglican heritage.


The striking blue bowl is a single piece of blown glass.  Its color variation and pattern evoke movement and those who view the bowl can recognize the pattern of the wind rippling the surface of deep waters or the rhythm of ocean waves.  The combination of opaque, clear, and blue glass holding the baptismal water, produces shafts of colored light which dapple the well aged oak below.   At nearly 22 inches in diameter, it is one of the largest single pieces of blown glass that Hot Sand Glass Studio can make.  It took four artisans to handle the piece as it was being blown.




Trinity is part of The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion - an apostolic church, continuing in the teachings and fellowship of the Apostles. We are united and inspired by faith in Jesus Christ, and are joined in the community of over 70 million Anglicans and Episcopalians throughout the world.  We are also part of the Union County Episcopal Alliance.


GPS:  â€‹119 Forest Ave, Cranford, NJ 07016

Corner of North and Forest Avenues


Mailing address:

205 North Avenue East

Cranford, NJ  07016




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